Wednesday, August 18, 2010

akwaaba (welcome!)

I have survived my first full week in Ghana! Unfortunately, the internet is much spottier here than I originally anticipated, so I might not be able to post as frequently as I want. Ghana is unbelievable - there are no words to describe what it's like to be living here, but I'll do my best!

Last week was our orientation on the University of Ghana campus. It was pretty action packed, but it mostly consisted of becoming acquainted with the different departments and course levels. Coming from wesleyan where it takes about 10 mins to walk around the entire campus, it was a little intimidating to walk around the campus here and realize that it could very well take 20 to 30 minutes to walk from my dorm to the lecture halls. However, as my mom made sure to point out, my dad had to walk for 30 minutes to get to classes when he was in college so I shouldn't complain (thanks mom).

The campus is beautiful. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to post a picture or two of some of the buildings. There are some central roads made of cement that connect various parts of the campus but the majority of the smaller roads are dirt. Many of the classrooms look like what you might expect them to look in Africa: open rooms with lots of windows, one story buildings that look like little houses, and rows of desks facing a chalkboard.

Ghana, particularly the region where I am (just outside Accra) is incredibly beautiful. I'm constantly amazed by the plethora of aromas and vivid colors I smell and see wherever I am. If only women in the United States dressed in such vibrant colors!

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